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英雄联盟手游杰斯天赋怎么选 英雄联盟手游杰斯天赋怎么选的

2023-05-30 16:50:45作者:互联网转载


League of Legends: Wild Rift is a mobile adaptation of the popular MOBA game, League of Legends. One of the champions available in the game is Jax, a powerful fighter who can deal significant damage and take on multiple enemies at once. In this article, we will discuss the best Jax talent builds to help you dominate the game.

Talent Build 1: The Bruiser

The Bruiser build is ideal for players who want to play Jax as a tanky fighter. This build focuses on increasing Jax's defense and survivability while still dealing decent damage to enemies. Here are the recommended talents:

  1. Conqueror - This talent increases Jax's damage output and healing potential, making him more durable in fights.
  2. Triumph - Triumph grants Jax additional health and mana whenever he scores a takedown, allowing him to stay in the fight longer.
  3. Tenacity - Tenacity reduces the duration of crowd control effects on Jax, making him less vulnerable to stuns, slows, and other disabling effects.
  4. Last Stand - Last Stand increases Jax's damage output when he is low on health, making him a more dangerous opponent even when he is on the brink of death.

Talent Build 2: The Assassin

The Assassin build is perfect for players who want to play Jax as a high-damage dealer who can quickly eliminate enemies. This build focuses on increasing Jax's damage output and mobility while sacrificing some of his defense. Here are the recommended talents:

  1. Electrocute - Electrocute is a powerful burst damage talent that deals bonus damage to enemies after Jax hits them with three separate attacks or abilities.
  2. Sudden Impact - Sudden Impact grants Jax additional lethality and magic penetration whenever he uses a dash or blink ability, making him more difficult to catch and kill.
  3. Eyeball Collection - Eyeball Collection grants Jax additional attack damage or ability power whenever he scores a takedown, making him stronger as the game progresses.
  4. Ravenous Hunter - Ravenous Hunter grants Jax additional healing whenever he deals damage with his abilities, making him more durable in fights.

Talent Build 3: The Hybrid

The Hybrid build is a balanced approach that combines elements of the Bruiser and Assassin builds. This build is ideal for players who want to play Jax as a versatile fighter who can adapt to different situations. Here are the recommended talents:

  1. Hail of Blades - Hail of Blades grants Jax additional attack speed whenever he attacks an enemy champion, making him a formidable duelist.
  2. Taste of Blood - Taste of Blood grants Jax additional healing whenever he deals damage with his abilities, making him more durable in fights.
  3. Zombie Ward - Zombie Ward grants Jax additional vision and allows him to control the map more effectively.
  4. Ravenous Hunter - Ravenous Hunter grants Jax additional healing whenever he deals damage with his abilities, making him more durable in fights.


In conclusion, Jax is a powerful champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift who can be built in a variety of ways. The best talent build for you will depend on your playstyle and the situation you find yourself in. Whether you prefer to play Jax as a tanky bruiser, a high-damage assassin, or a versatile hybrid, there is a talent build that will suit your needs. Experiment with different builds and find the one that works best for you!



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